Collection Suggestions

The following are suggestions to the Boston Public Library to add to their collection.  In searching for print resources through the library catalog, two things became quickly apparent.  One, beyond the Civil Rights Movement, there exists precious little for younger audiences of any age, but particularly teenagers, dealing with other social justice movements in American history.  Secondly, many of the resources present relate less to the history of these events, but focus instead on issues of identity, key personalities of the movements, or particular issues within the wider scope of the movement.   Gay marriage, the United Farm Workers protests, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., are all integral parts of their respective movements, but they are not the total story, and focusing so narrowly on certain aspects creates an incomplete picture of the true scope of these movements and what they achieved.  Unfortunately, the availability of broader resources is almost non-existent. 

It is also worth mentioning that it is difficult to locate resources at times in the BPL catalog.  Running a keyword search on feminism brings up few resources - the trick is to search subject keywords instead.  Furthermore, just because a resource is available does not mean it is accessible - having key resources on minority history be shelved in reference means that students would have to go to the library to use the book, which diminishes the chances of it being used - but more importantly, filing a hold request does not guarantee a book will be sent.  The librarian at Brighton High expressed that it is nearly impossible to get books sent from the Malden branch, and speaking from personal experience, some resources had still not arrived, two months after the initial request had been made.  This too complicates access to resources and deprives students of the ability to use and learn from these books.

Bringle, Jennifer. Reproductive Rights: Making the Right Choices. New York: Rosen Publishing, 2010. Print.

Lind, Amy and Stephanie Brzuzy, eds. Battleground: Women, Gender and Sexuality. New York: Greenwood Press, 2007. Print.

Natividad, Irene and Susan B. Gall, eds. U-X-L AsianAmerican Almanac. Detroit: U-X-L, 2004. Print.
(This book is technically in the BPL system, but it is a non-circulating book at Fisher College Library, so I have included it as a suggestion for the main branch of the library to purchase to increase access to this resource).

Paludi, Michele Antoinette. Feminism and Women's Rights Worldwide. New York: Praeger, 2010.  Print.

Rosenthal, Beth, ed. Birth Control: Opposing Viewpoints. New York: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Print.

"Stonewall Uprising." American Experience. Prod. Kate Davis and David Heilbronner. Public Broadcasting Service, 2010. DVD.
(This documentary has not yet aired on PBS, and has not yet been released for sale, so its format is unknown but presumed to be a DVD).